Monday, May 14, 2007

Melody Of Life

Melody of Life!
It may be the music of the birds, or the chanting in the church,
It might be sadness knocking on your door, or shuffling leaves,
But the melody of life never goes!
When u flow with the wind and remember the memories that swing through
The feelings that knock on your door ask some unanswered questions
What do you do when you question trust and faith
And everything you ever held as your strengths.
When you find yourself in a situation when your faith shackles from everything…
When you feel close to yourself, alone, missing home,
listening to the melody of life and then some memories take you aback!
Why is it always the other way around…
It should be going the way you wanted it to…then why the winds betrayed you
And left you in doubts and helpless and complaining about everything..
At that point do not forget that what has to happen will happen,
You cannot stop it, but you can stand against the winds and not fall.
And look at everything with a new perspective…
With more strength, courage and self confidence
And above all, should never forget that He who guides us
Will lead you through all these difficulties, to light and happiness.
And once again you will enjoy the melody of life!

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